About "All and all" and system Lords.
 I have placed on a site of 30 articles. Has written much, almost everything that I wished to write popular scientific language. But the small book would be not finished if I have not written about the main thing, Gradually preparing you for it. I have tried to tell about basis "All and All", a package  damage-programs of the including
In itself codes, bases of actions, information pictures, Libraries indifference, etc., called in magical language "All and All". The package to be loaded in a head gradually, through damage the car trying not to cause suspicions and in every possible way for misting And masking actions. The superstructure over all and all is system Sovereignty in a head with absolute system the Lord.
 Relative system lords existed in the history The earths are usurpers and dictators. For example Russian tsars Pavel I and Nikolay II, socialist dictators Stalin and Mao Dze Donne, fascist dictators Hitler and Pinochet. They already formed The public a superstructure.
 System sovereignties happen to owners happen Ownerless, i.e. System the lord and the organisation operating All and All has been destroyed, and Damage in a head remained, i.e. we will tell and the Devil and Jesus have already died for a long time (It does not mean that and All nobody operates All, it is possible simply To use) i.e. who the Lord is secret covered with a gloom. Nevertheless hope on kind the Lord this display of the weakness and Incapacity. I.e. if you have a possibility there is nobody not to depend and To develop a civilisation the way better and to make.
 There is an opinion that some scientists want, that to a planet The Earth was included as equals into the galactic organisations but as you will start up with Such problems in a head!? At first liquidate damage and learn wisely To live then and in "Galactic parliament" you will accept.
 Struggling for democracy you struggle with superstructures, but The basis potentially remains in a head, and All and All is well disguised and Is obscured, i.e. there is a danger of return of the dictatorships even more dangerous, Therefore during potentially critical and dangerous time be on the check, Try to understand superstructures (many use these superstructures In the interests). And to liquidate All and All it is not simple, it is the further stage Demanding comprehension and understanding, and remove it in large quantities damages-off Cars or Logosy, but Logos it is far and on such distance cannot help, Though much can tell.
 Plus to all at you in a head codes of radioactive prison Also exists blocking (interruption type in programming) "attempt to remove codes", begins automatically Blows with Attempt to destroy object, i.e. be more cautious and if are not assured of itself Also there are no near at hand medicines be not put on "lawlessness level".
 In general, the relation to you earth dwellers directly will depend How much you will win mental fights and will organise defence on mental Level, i.e. will create a protective planetary field and learn to remove damage. You simply will have trump cards in any negotiations and so It is possible to count only on guerrilla in dense woods.
 And still take care of planet biosphere - will suffice It is prodigal to spend not filled natural resources, and learn To build reliable nuclear reactors (a planet the Earth in the ancient time was "a resort For all tastes", you wish to drive on deer - please, you want on a palm tree for Cocoes on climb - please).
 System sovereignties, as a rule are well counted On the future and constantly miscalculate (as game - from a control point to A control point), and differently it had a high probability to be destroyed Revolts, mutinies and revolutions. Therefore, if operate in a revolutionary way, Try liquidate wizardry a case and wisdom (wisdom-it mind cream, Ability creatively to think and operate), and differently they will advance Your actions. To see that you will do in the future, and will try To exclude events threatened by it.