About a psi-reality. About 10 years ago I has started to be engaged the psychic and sorcery. As well as many carried away I read books, learnt to remove damage. I had friends in this area but when serious magical dismantlings with clans they have begun have stepped out also I there was one. To me it was at first difficult , but I have come to the sorcery world formed enough, (I well knew programming, medicine, philosophy, mathematics and physics) and such already in the world of sorcery it is not enough. You live in a psi-reality - a kind of a condition of biological organisms. This steady enough condition. This condition is caused under my assumption by the latent or erased chronic frustration of health, basically mental about which you are sceptical or do not understand a problem essence and if you have fears you try to drive away or forget them. Therefore for an exit from a psi-reality it is necessary to be prepared spiritually and physically. Some capable sorcerers and psychics leave it (during meditations, ceremonies, under the influence of psychotropic substances) but all come back back in a psi-reality. There is very serious blocking in subconsciousness and pass it the few can - so-called «welding» subconsciousness. It is possible to leave a psi-reality as not strange during serious complications of health – especially at head injuries, and this condition can be long the steady. At reception of some psychotropic substances also it is possible to leave from psi-realities (well it shamans of the Earth are able), but this condition lasts not for long (usually some minutes) and in 80 % of cases if you the person without practice, comes to an end with serious problems with health (madness, a stroke, a myocardium heart attack etc.). In total for a year of employment by sorcery also has reached good knowledge and understanding and has understood that I not a pawn in this game. I have started to study the mental world, improved ways of removal of damage, have learnt to communicate with spirits and then and with space. Once I have understood that such as I on the Earth units. It by the way not those sorcerers and psychics whom you know on telecasts and books, they are in a shade, and to "calculate" them extremely difficult. So-called "invisible" front and kind sorcerers in this front it is not enough. Their most part is enlisted by aliens, the part is engaged in the affairs (such very little). In general all keep the organisations and groupings because one, if fairly to tell terribly. They imperceptibly influence an event, and people especially from special services, being engaged in a certain sort affairs, will come across deadlock, without understanding the event or event reason, and the further attempts to establish even any facts and to establish the event reasons, it becomes difficult. I could set to special services some questions and assume possible answers to them, and as in own way to explain some things. And if it is the truth or a lie that much would become clear. And so one know one, others another and you likely think that all are known only by "God", you are mistaken all are known by "them". To me there were some offers from aliens (the galaxy is well occupied), but I have disagreed to be enlisted, and also have not adjoined any magical clan. And likely after that me have decided to kill simply and nearly have not killed. I hardly recollect this time it for me as a dream, terrible and heavy. Me have discharged from office and I remained without means of support, it was necessary to sell all for nothing, and hungry it is impossible to be, descended «quarrels», it is possible to die of insufficient quantity glycogen in blood. In general "they" have very good means of punishment at attempts seriously to leave a psi-reality, one of them «mental drill». In imagination it is visible as a mental whirlwind. Starts to drill unexpectedly and drills somewhere half an hour, very painfully. If sustain, remain are live but for a while memory will refuse. As I have understood then, it happens 3 kinds and colours: White - gamma radiation, Black - neutron, Green - pi-attics. Action - tears brains, operates at atomic level. In general if at you a good nose or a presentiment thin you can react. I was rescued by wine "Pasadobl" - Moldavian (can well gain Strong semisweet wine can "Sherry", "Madera", "Martini" etc.). I, being in the apartment, it simply drank and shouted at all area from a pain (to the aid as not strange who has not come), has then fainted and has regained consciousness only early in the morning. It as I have understood once and if you this stage have taken place that you drills "have left" in lists live. Memory can refuse from 2 o'clock about one days, the most important thing be not frightened strongly, have a drink sweet coffee or to tea, can cause "fast" to refer to fears, let to you once will make a prick relanium, it is possible to make pirazetam in a vein, lie down in silence and if will fall asleep properly sleep off. Buy after that some vials of a valerian for the insurance (you can test unknown fears), she can be drunk shouted a half-vial, but it is no more (too big loading on kidneys) if it becomes bad. After two days you as though will regain consciousness from something, to you memory of antecedents can return and you will gradually come understanding who that you and as have appeared on a planet the Earth. You can feel very lonely, relatives will seem not relatives, you can not learn them, as well as they you. You will see round yourselves much and the most important thing do not hurry understanding. You can start to talk to relatives, and they will not understand you. At all do not hurry also them, let at them too will come understanding. For doctors do not hope, they at the best will help you, than can.Further you can get to "fields" and if you get to them, for a long time. I in this field 9 years, anything - am live. In general I would put a monument to good alcohol. (If there will be an intrusion, be reserved by spirit particularly, sober with them to be at war at the first stage it is useless) Now I am sick also to me not to alcohol and so I now with pleasure would drink vodka and have properly had a snack. In general I am surprised to that I am still live. Only during this moment I have reflected, what for I write this letter. Helping you, I can I will help myself. "They" very much do not love democracy, and very much love sacrifice, therefore mine to you council grow fond of itself and grow fond correctly if do not want will surrender and wish to survive and live simply. Think of the instinct of self-preservation and do not mix it with a sexual instinct and an instinct of a continuation of the family, or a love for the country, properly think of itself. At first you will be helped by church. Come to a temple (it is desirable that to the people was a little), put a candle to itself For health, stand at somewhere a wonder-working icon, have a drink a holy water, do not hesitate, sit on benches. Solve for what to do and with whom you. Do not entangle whom in this business not to accuse of the future anybody, be defined. For you there comes so-called «Time X», and in the near future will come «Time X for a planet the Earth». |