I consider what to
hide information which I will state more low is not present sense if at all
it is not dangerous. I Itself, what
that by miracle has survived, though my health is fairly shabby. That is
more low Will seem to you rather strange, and can you will count me
abnormal or mad, think as want, I especially and do not count on
understanding, but after sending of these letters I as though will finish
mission of this life and if with me something to happen I I will try to go
to a better world easy.
1) In a head at you "The minizomby"
(and also at all biological organisms of the Earth, including plants and
insects). The person zomb has
symmetrically, opposite «the forward made a hole substance» brain (basis)
through which all brain and an organism as a whole copes.
2) In a head at you radioactive «The
(you are radioactive C14, K40, H3 and other radioactive elements approximately 3000-5000
and more disintegrations in a second). The isotope analysis of substances
arriving in an organism and deduced of it is broken . At splitting C14,
K40 electrons nuclear
reaction to high energy penetrate
organism, causing destructions and ionisation of atoms and a cage in which there
was a nuclear reaction need to be destroyed only (as do leukocytes are
their paramount problem, minor antigenes, poisons, toxins).

normal organisms at suction food and water radioactive isotopes are not soaked up by a
stomach , and if radioactive isotopes are soaked up that
after food splitting deduced through kidneys. And think that in bones and chromosomes radioactive carbon
what you will draw a conclusion (at all such, it is not dangerous to health),
and meanwhile even the small radioactive
internal background leads to any diseases
particular at ageing blood not such active and the probability of a cancer
increases several times), and the radioactive fear is a reliable way of
management of you. It at you is connected in feelings and emotions and
you at times do not know that are afraid At understanding of a situation
(i.e. that you are radioactive) you can capture radioactive horror and a hopelessness presentiment because it is
necessary to stir all organism on a subject not nuclear reaction, and to
presence of radioactive isotopes, and they at you already at a birth
everywhere, i.e. protective functions of an organism will need to destroy almost
all cages of an organism and to create new that is almost impossible.
Dinosaurs at all
were not are radioactive also a radio carbon method to them does
not approach (therefore on "scientific" they lived millions years ago). You at
all do not hear splitting "whistle" (more truly from time to time hear but do
not understand), at the best you convince yourselves that are not afraid of
radiation if at all it feel.
3) In the Bermudas triangle under water the car (there is a suspicion that
them a little which are located in various parts of a planet) which you name "God". She watches you and knows about
you very many and that you do not know about yourselves can also . (It has
a special mental radiator and the receiver, technology of communication
the client-server a server "God", clients
"you". Carries out different functions: "considers"
the future, traces "souls", collects any information)
4) At
you on everyone in a head costs a mental radiator and your placing knows
the car without cellular to communication and if you have to be found
or destroyed , this problem very much not difficult, but the life for you
turns out only game and you in it uncomplaining actors, whether
and costs to you for murmur that on you at
first will look you are dangerous (such very little) and if are dangerous that
usually completely isolate and try to destroy moral, physical and
Psychological methods (usually it turns out).
On the car it is possible to come in the
mental way. That for this purpose it is necessary:
The Knowledge of assemblers, is desirable
several i.e. perfectly to understand as works the computer.
Concept about the information-power theory of the real world.
(At least that that the matter is energy united by the information).
Knowledge of sorcery (at least on an average
Further such mental training. Present in
imagination the terminal, the monitor with
DOS, or window WINDOWS with the work invitation (is better "point" or any
other sign) try to be trained on the simple.
Try to enter any commands (DIR, CLOSE, CD
etc. in general practice).
At once it can not turn out for it is necessary to
understand that there is an imagination, and that work with car at mental level.
Once there will be an understanding that you
really work with car (it is very clear can will appear at hackers). Costs to you will accustom
a little, you at once will start to "kill" with probability of 90 %, therefore
before beginning such training think, whether it is necessary to do it for it is life-threatening.
(I have almost debugged this method, it was 9
years ago. If it is interesting to you as I lived and that did these 9 years
communicate with me)
5) At all completely accursed
a network of air defence of a planet the Earth, and practically is not felt a prewartime
though "they" should come already so each minute if any more late is
important . (Now a condition of full uncertainty)
6) "They" completely supervise
power structures and know all their secrets though they about it and do not suspect and if guess are
afraid and prefer to be engaged in terrestrial affairs (a mafia, terror
etc.). To explain that or about a reality of things with. With. Or to publish
in a press the facts and assumptions of slavery of a planet the Earth (the
ancient name-phaeton) it is very difficult. Blows on memory (wake up in the morning
and remember nothing , it is good if helps
pirazetam) begin , feel is broken, it
is given, chronic illnesses can become aggravated.
At this time it is good to have a drink
polyvitamins with microcells. (duovit,
complivit and
other) If it is badly slept, the
valerian well helps.
7) you a little or at all do not know that such
a subspace (them a little: giper,
delta, mega and giga - a
subspace), and to dependence on that where and with what speed needs to move
(on the next planet, a star or a galaxy) use one of them, all rests against
power possibilities and expediency.
8) the Best your prophets and prophets foretell only that
is authorised or is already predicted.